Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bugsy Malone

I love it! I just watched Bugsy Malone again for the first time in at least 10 years. Amazing! Recently, I've been wanting to just sit around and watch old movies or kids movies. Somehow my mind needs to turn off at the end of the day.

Yesterday I decided I wanted to make this really easy lemon pie that is just with sweetened condensed milk, lemons, and whipped cream. It stared because I saw these mini graham cracker shells that were on sale. So, I bought the lemons (which I discovered in the check out lane were 5 dollars!! for three lemons!!! don't they have lemon trees in Hawaii?!) some sweetened condensed milk and NO whipped cream. I went to three stores and couldn't find any anywhere. So tonight I found some. This recipe is easy unless you have to hand whip the cream...then it takes forever and you are hot and sweaty and not very hungry anymore... But, my little pies are in the refrigerator now, solidifying, I hope. Half way through pouring the pie into the crusts, I realized that I needed more crusts! So I ran to the store and now I have 10 mini pies. What am I going to do with 10 mini pies?! I only wanted one! I have now learned a lesson about making desserts when living alone---BAD IDEA!! I was trying to think whom I could give them to, but all of them require transportation and I'm not so sure 20 minutes on the bus will agree with my little pies... So I will just have to eat them all...oh bother. And I have been so good recently! Oh well, the gym by my house opens soon--I'll just have to burn it off this weekend.

Alright, off to do laundry and read articles. The exciting life of a grad student...

1 comment:

vanessayw said...

Maybe you could give the pies to Maria, your landlady. Or maybe all the friends that you keep making on the bus!

I'm jealous you got to see Bugsy Malone. "My name is Talula..."

Love you,