Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Yesterday I started my RA work with Les. The morning began by dissecting a bamboo coral polyp and isolating sclerites. You have to separate the parts of the polyp and then put it in Clorox to dissolve the tissue away from the calcium carbonate. Then, with a paintbrush, with one single hair, you move the spicules from the dish to the mount for the SEM (scanning electron microscope). It's hard work. I think I have to stop drinking coffee so my hands don't shake... And if yesterday was any indication, I am going to be blind by next week. But, it's fascinating stuff :) It's pretty incredible the variability in sclerite structure, even within one genus. I'm looking forward to this work, especially because it actually has some scientific merit.

Also, I recently contacted someone on Coconut Island who may be able to help me get some octopi and give me some space to set up tanks. Yay!! Now I just need to call him back...

Now I am headed to a seminar entitled "Paradoxes of immortality: surprising roles for essential genes in regulating lifespan." I'm very excited. This guy sounds like he could be a good addition to our department. He is the next in our line of candidates for the developmental person. We'll see.

Next birthday--this is what I want. Remember this:

Also, this is an awesome video :)

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