Saturday, August 31, 2013

A view from dinner the other night. It was one of those quintessential Hawaiian shots that I couldn't pass up, as cliche and touristy as it may be...

The other day, I received a package in the mail with the following book! I had forgotten that a while ago I was asked to edit this children's book about Octopuses.  Lo and behold, open the book and there is a lovely acknowledgement with my name.  It is a good book filled with educational information about the wonderful and exciting octopus.

Now that I have finally decided to take the plunge and move off of Coconut (AHHH!!!) I am feeling nostalgic for all of the wonderful things about it.  Obviously, I will still be working out there since I am not finished with my PhD, but working out there and living there are two very different things. In fact, I am depending on that since it turns out living on Coconut did not do much with regards to my productivity.  The other day I finally decided to join the Ukulele practice that happens on Coconut on Wednesday evenings.  They are all so good! I still have no idea what I am doing and my finger tips are numb from only one practice, but I'm sure I'll get there someday... Right now I'm just happy I finally decided to go.  Of course it's only after I decide to move off.

I only have one octopus in the tank at the moment. I actually went out to catch some the other night because I went the the Family Aquarium Night where I was an octopus "expert."  I hate to say it, but it has been so nice not having a bunch of octopuses to keep alive... I knew they took time out of my day and money out of my paycheck, but I thought I would miss them more. I suppose five years with octopuses is enough for a while though.  While I was cleaning the tank the other day, I found a bubble algae in the shape of a heart. They had taken over the tank while I was in the Azores.  They are pretty spectacular looking. I remember when I first saw them I thought they were beautiful green marbles that had fallen in the tank, but really they are just single celled swollen algae.

Here I am at the Family Aquarium night with one of the rock tako.  I'd say it was a successful evening, but definitely exhausting. All of the kids had great questions.

New shoes from Steven--octopuses, mermaids and space. What more could you ask for?

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