Sunday, August 30, 2009

This is ridiculous and awesome. Make sure you have your sound on...

1 comment:

Chris said...

U think your so COOL with your octopusses and your mottorcycle, but even tho you LIVE in Hawaaii it's just not so great as you "THINK" you are, HEATHER! Can YOU drink more than TEN Doctor Pepppers a day??? Can u grow a white mstache even HALF as good as mine??????????? Ha hah no! So whose cooll "NOW" miss thinks shes speciall cause she lives in the Specific Ocean???? And i have TWOO cats to sleep with and pet and feed. Can you pet an OCTOPUS? no, they have NO FURR! Just remember this when you are showing off on you'r motorcycles one day and a bird POOPS ON YOU! I have inportant things to do and so I'm leaving "now". GOOD-BYE for all of AUGUST!