Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Beginnings

It only seems fitting to follow up a post entitled "end of an era" with one about "new beginnings." As of yesterday, I have moved from the sunset to the sunrise (from the west to the east, if it was unclear). This morning, after my first night in my new place, I went on the "Pillbox" hike in Lanikai to watch the sunrise. The so-called pillboxes are bunkers left over from World War II, where soldiers would sit and watch the coastline.  What a fantastic view they had! I was slightly embarrassed that I have lived in Hawai'i for this long and haven't done this hike.  Now it is only three blocks from me, so I may try to do the sunrise hike a few times a week.  Hike might be a generous word, it's really more a spirited fifteen minute jaunt.

Below is one of the bunkers at the top of the ridge.  There were a few other people there to watch the sunrise as well.  It didn't feel crowded though. There was a very friendly vibe about the whole experience.

It was a lovely way to start the day. And then, when I got to Coconut, I was welcomed by a broad stingray coasting along the sand under the pier.  There are a lot of them in Kaneohe Bay since the area serves as a nursery for several elasmobranch species. They eat small crustaceans that they dig out from the sand.  I love the way they glide sleepily across the seafloor. Their fins undulating fluidly at their sides. 


Saaraliisa said...

I saw those rays. Very serene. What a nice circle to be a part of, sunset and now sunrise. ox

Chris said...

Just... lovely