Friday, February 20, 2009


I keep meaning to write about this dream I have been having, but I felt it needed visual aids, and I didn't have any at home. In my dream, I look at my hand, and sclerites begin to form around it. A polyp looks kind of like a fist, so I can see where it's coming from. But recently, I've been looking at my hand, and I can see sclerites forming when I'm not dreaming... I think I've been dissecting too many polyps. Here a picture I took on the light microscope of a polyp with sclerites as a reference:

Today I am in charge of my seminar and I'm worried... I chose two articles about invert sex, so I'm excited, but I hope everyone else is too. I'm not sure I can talk for an hour by myslef--actually, I probably could, but I don't know how much fun that would be for everyone.

I had a dive test last night--I think it went alright. It only took about 45 mins. It was so nice to get home before 7 on a Thursday. Usually I don't get home until 9 or 9:30. I felt kind of lost--all of the sudden I had two more hours in the day. I thought I would go to bed early, but it didn't happen. I think my body is incapable of falling asleep before 2, but then, it never wants to get up at 7:30. Somehow, I need to trick it...maybe sleeping pills.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm diving again tomorrow and I'll write about it when I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sleeping pills: no.

That is all.