Thursday, July 30, 2009


On Monday, I went to Coconut to feed and clean the octo tanks. I started cleaning the female tank when I realized it was too filthy to keep the octos in there with me. So, I decided to move them to the male tank--since I don't have anywhere else to put them. I thought that they would likely be stressed and there wouldn't be any problems putting the males and females together. Literally the moment I added the females, the males started trying to mate with them!! One of them successfully.

I was excited to see that it was much easier to get them to mate than I had read. With luck, the females will lay eggs in the tanks.

Then I had a very productive meeting with two of the head researchers at HIMB. They seemed to be willing to support me through my PhD research. My biggest issue is going to be funding. So, I need to make sure I apply for a lot of grants. Stress!

I like this guys work :)

1 comment:

Chris said...


You are PIMPING OUT your octopuses, Heather! Admit it-- you were HOPING that octosex would occur when you threw those two creatures together in one tank.

Think of the CHILDREN!