Friday, October 31, 2008

All Hallow's Eve

Halloween used to be my favorite holiday. Now there is so much pressure to come up with a clever costume that it is hard to enjoy it. Actually, that's not true. Halloween is fun once the costume has been decided--it is the time of deciding that is stressful. I thought I would be Pippi Longstocking, and I still might be...but I'm starting to feel self conscious about wearing a little dress. I'm not feeling so great about my body right now. I'm now leaning towards wearing pajamas, messing up my hair, carrying around a tooth brush and teddy bear. That is minimal skin exposure, and minimal stress. But, we'll see.

I also always think of ideas right before Halloween! I wish I had decided I wanted to be She-Ra, or Daryl Hannah from Blade Runner, or Magenta, or the radiator lady from Eraserhead (that's a definite for next year!) before the eleventh hour. Well, I suppose I've had more important things on my mind.

Look forward to some photos either way.


Anonymous said...

The Lady in the Radiator! Oh joy! I can see you now with our hands clasped in a nice dress with big balls of plaster on your cheeks singing, "In Heaven, Everything Is Fine."

I know only a few people would get it, but those that did would be keepers...

vanessayw said...

Oh sad, according to dad's assessment, I am not currently a keeper. I must watch that movie right away!

Happy Halloween Hadder!! I like the PJ idea if nothing else works out. At least you'll be comfy. I miss you a lot today. Can't wait for December! It's just around the corner!
