Monday, August 11, 2008


I just took one of those naps that feels impossible to wake up from. I REALLY NEED TO STUDY!! But I fell asleep. And I dreamt that Professor McGonnagal had a mustache and I was dating Professor Lupin. So, yeah, weird.

I took the first exam today and it was a lot harder than any of the previous exams they gave us as examples. So, poop. I think I did pretty terribly, I just hope I did well enough to pass. I need to pass all of them--and at least one on a PhD level. Maybe it will be tomorrow's test, but not if I don't start studying right now!

Also, a lady gave me a fragipani flower on the bus. She said it was because my eyes were so blue. So now I have my own fragipani flower, but still no tree...

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