Sunday, August 10, 2008


So apparently Obama is here. O-Blama! That's why the traffic is so terrible. Also, his family is from here! So, the Hawaiians love him. I want to meet him, but I'm not sure exactly where he is.

Don't do it Ms. Kubelik!! Last night the Apartment was on. I love that movie--it makes me think of my sister. Also, this year they were supposed to play it on the screen on green in DC--but I missed it because I was on a Hawaii. Apparently, they have screen on green here every weekend, but it's screen on beach. I'll have to look into it. And they have a $1 theater. I can't wait to have some fun when these tests are finally over. Arg!

I need to stop saying "the states" when I mean "the mainland." But it is very hard to do. Also, many times I've said "the states" and I have not been excluding Hawaii, but people assume that I am because of the way I look. So, it's going to be better for me if I can figure out how to say "the mainland" for everywhere else, and Hawaii for Hawaii. People get very angry...

Yesterday we had a meet and greet with the new grad student in the Zoology department. I found out that the University of Hawaii Zoology department is in the top three in the country--so that was nice. I really should have done more research before I got here, but it's been a struggle to get even the simplest things done, so I'll just let everyone else fill me in. Anyway, there is another girl from Swarthmore in the program!! She's younger than me--and I can't tell if she started this year (like me) or last year--I only met her right before I was leaving and it was loud. So I'll find out. For some reason, I was initially upset that she's younger than me--I thought that reflected poorly on me. But, now, without any alcohol in my system, I've realized it doesn't matter at all.

Everyone has the nicest things to say about my advisor. I'm very excited to work with him. People keep telling me how lucky I am to work with Les. I'm hoping my lucky streak continues through the diagnostic exams. I've decided if I don't do well, I will just start yelling. I think that is the best way to deal with most situations. Maybe if I yell enough, they will just let me take the courses I want...

Ok, studying will commence now...after breakfast...and a shower...and the dishes.

Tomorrow is the first exam!! Superorganismic! Wish me luck!

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