Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This morning we arrived at our new site off the island of Eleuthera. Some of the crew decided to do some fishing. I went out on the bow and there were two mahi mahi in the water--slicing through the waves, a strange iridescent blue with yellow tails. It seemed as if they were glowing...

We got the ROV in a little later today because it is a new site. But it's in now and we are almost at the bottom. We just saw a bright red ctenophore sparkling down it cillia and then a little squirting jellyfish.

I just went outside because one of the guys caught a mahi. He didn't have a bucket or a knife with him, so the fish was just sitting on the deck--desperately thrashing, banging its head, bleeding from its eyes and mouth. It was a bit more shocking than I had anticipated. Its skin was a brilliant turquoise but it was flashing and changing color. I didn't know, but apparently mahi mahi have the capability of changing the color of their scales. Finally, someone came with a knife to put it out of its misery...I think we'll eat it for dinner. The rest of the crew just went out to put out fishing poles too--we'll have lots of fresh fish tonight! Ahh!! I just found out they caught 4 more--we have 5 mahi mahi now!! Ceviche tonight :)

Speaking of food, I haven't eaten this much ever. So much food!! I've already gained at least five pound. We have a huge breakfast everyday--today was lox and bagels, quiche, and corn muffins. We had hamburgers and fries for lunch, and we have snacks and desserts and giant meals every day! I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't understand how they can feed us so much when most of what we do is sit in a chair all day watching the ROV feed. I'm never very hungry, but I feel almost obligated to eat because the chef is in the kitchen all day and he is this sweet little cajun guy who is taking care of us. I feel like he gets offended if we don't eat a lot. And the food is amazing. It's all so delicious. And now that I am a poor grad student, I appreciate free food so much an unhealthy extent. I desperately want exercise--hopefully one of these days we will be allowed to go swimming.

I just went out to see how the fishing was progressing and they got another one!!

Well, we are on the bottom now and I should probably get back to work--I'm in charge of the recording and frame grabbing which is kind of important--without it, there is no proof we were here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm livid with envy. Nobody ever asked ME to go on a cruise and look at stuff.