Ok, so not really fighting, but some of these guys are really aggravating when they don't do what you want! But first things first. I arrived Saturday to Woods Hole during a wicked storm what I believed akin to a hurricane, but the locals reassured me it was no where near as bad as a real hurricane. The house was without electricity and I was unable to plug in my precious computer to keep connected with the world until today.
Today was my first day at work, and after the obligatory orientation, I started my first task: feed the cuttlefish. The small ones get amphipods (imagine jumping potato bugs mixed with shrimp that like to get into your hair and on your face) and then are fed some small grass shrimp too. The big ones get big pieces of fish cut up and put on a sick to lure the cuttlefish near.
After feeding , we went outside to replenish the grass shrimp stock by scraping a net under the dock at eel pond to see whether they might jump inside of their own accord. Rather stupidly, they did, and we caught about a hundred very easily--more food for the cuttlefish! Also, there were amazing barnacles and tunicates and ctenophores aplenty!! I was so excited to see my marine invertebrate friends in the water so close to where I work.
I've also volunteered to come in early, at 7:30, to help with other animal husbandry, so I will be very busy and very cold by the end of the day (my socks were soaked through), but tomorrow I will bring more suitable shoes.
I'm still unsure as to what my specific experiment will be, and I was informed that there would be a meeting to figure it out. But watching other experiments, I became very excited, and I hope I will still be excited after I begin mine! The cuttlefish as test subjects seem very temperamental and a lot of time is spent waiting for them to calm down, but they are so cute that I forgive them.
At the end of the day, I had to siphon out the tanks of the cuttlefish to make sure they stay clean and hygienic. Of course, I had forgotten how to use a siphon correctly, and had to fill it up with water about five times throughout the cleaning. I'm sure I will soon get he hang of it though.
I bought myself a celebratory bottle of wine and came home to electricity (hot shower!). After recently discovering some friends of mine live here in the "Hole" as the locals call it, I tried to contact them, but they seem to be out in the field doing research. But my new accommodating roommates took me to a stir fry dinner and bred pudding get together.
So I am making friends, and taking in the beautiful scenery. Walking home today in the dark with the stars to lead my way (and the occasional, useless, dim lamp to guide me) I saw the boats docked in Eel Pond with the lights of the MBL behind them.
I'm exhausted but happy at the end of my day :)
Also, my new shampoo smells like an armpit.
People say there are lots of coyotes here (although I have yet to see one and I think they are pulling my leg).
People are really friendly here and I am still trying to get used to it. They say hello and I answer too loudly and more as an afterthought "HI!" so that I think I will soon be known as the village idiot...